The itinerary...

Monday, December 21, 2009 by James
Dates in bold are booked flights, the rest is a very rough and very flexible working schedule. We wanted to share these dates with you as soon as possible in case anyone wants to join us at any point!

(Be warned however; all dates are naively optimistic and subject to a series of reality checks as we make our way round...)

- Mon Mar 8 London to Tokyo

- Sun Mar 28 Tokyo to Shanghai
Shanghai for a few days then travelling up to Beijing for the end of the week, meeting up with our Intrepid Tour on the 4th: 'Essence of China Southbound'. The tour ends on the 23rd in Hong Kong, where we're staying on for a few days to recover and enjoy some tai chi, dim sum and gambling

- Mon Apr 26 Hong Kong to Hanoi
We will be travelling by bus, train and local airlines through SE Asia so are pretty flexible how long we spend in each country - depends how much we like each place!
- 3 weeks Vietnam
- 2 weeks Cambodia
- 2 or 3 weeks Thailand
- 2 or 3 weeks Malaysia & Borneo

- Sat Jul 10 Singapore to Hobart via Melbourne
We're planning on spending a week driving round Tasmania then getting the ferry back to Melbourne. From there we spend 5 weeks in Oz, visiting far-flung friends in Sydney and travelling up the East coast to Cairns for some diving (moving north as it gets colder!) before heading into the interior to see Uluru

- Sat Aug 21 Sydney to Christchurch
3 weeks in NZ: 2 weeks on the South Island and 1 week on the North Island

- Sun Sep 12 Auckland to Santiago
1 week in and around the capital of Chile

- Sat Sep 18 Santiago to Lima
From Lima we're travelling down through Peru and Boliva to Argentina - hoping to get a flight in Argentina to get right down south to the Moreno glacier before making our way back up to BA
- 4 weeks in Peru (booking the Inca trail trip soon - will keep you posted)
- 3 weeks in Boliva
- 5 weeks in Argentina, ending with a couple of days in BA

- Sat Dec 11 BA to Iguazu Falls
Short flight to the Southside of Iguazu, visiting the falls then making our way across the border to the Brazilian-side where we can get a short internal flight to Rio

- Tuesday Dec 21 Rio to London T5!
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